Friday, June 12, 2009

My last post is cancelled.

UPDATE: Turns out the lg15 franchise "death" blog was overexaggerated. This post at made me feel better.

Death to Lonelygirl15???!!!

So recently I discovered this post and was immediately depressed. My favorite webseries, done? I understand that it must end eventually, but in all honesty, I was very disappointed. I really want loose ends tied up, as do many other LG15ers (aka "meepers"). It's very upsetting to see something come to an end, especially with MAJOR cliffhangers. They can't leave us hanging like that!

I am, however, very happy that they are still planning to do TSIY2. I hope that eventually, LG15 will continue and we will finally see it end properly.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Harper's Island DVD

Finding out that there will be a Harper's Island DVD is like finding out that you can eat as much chocolate as you want and it won't make you fat and is healthy for you. Squee!

Many times in my life I come across this situation: I remember seeing an object recently, and now when I need it, I can't find it.

That happened today. I was looking for a hammer, and I thought I had seen it somewhere. I was looking all over the place. Finally, after failed attempts, I used a giant screwdriver.

It is late as I am typing this. The switch to digital television occured around 27 minutes ago.

Really, I must get to bed. But HARPER'S ISLAND IS ON SATURDAY, can't wait!